Free time

Explore the many leisure activities available in Pori. On the Visit Pori website, you can find information about local attractions, events, and outdoor activities. Discover places like Yyteri and Kirjurinluoto, and learn about family-friendly spots, local events, and volunteer opportunities.
Visit Pori
On the Visit Pori website, you can find information about places to visit, local life, events, excursions, and news. Discover Yyteri, Kirjurinluoto, and other attractions. Learn about accommodations and dining in Stay and Enjoy, activities in Nature and Outdoors, and available tours in Excursions and Guided Tours.

For families with children
You can find more places to visit with children on the For Families with Children – Visit Pori page.

Events in Pori
You can find regularly updated events in Pori on the Tapahtumat page. The same page also lists hobby opportunities – Harrastukset. Information on organizing your own events is available on the Organize an event page
Opportunities in Satakunta region
Satakunta Community Center offers support and guidance for volunteering. Fill out the volunteer application form or contact the volunteering expert. Join the network to develop local volunteer activities, attend meetings, and participate in training and events. More information and contacts are available for the Rauma, Pori, and Northern Satakunta volunteer groups.
You can reach out to these companies directly to ask about volunteer work.
Opportunities throughout Finland
You can find volunteer opportunities throughout Finland on the Vapaaehtoistyö website. You can search by location and the type of assistance you can provide.