
Here, you’ll find key information for accessing medical and support services in Pori. Learn what to do in medical emergencies, and find details on local health centres, dental services, mental health support, and maternal health centres. Also Information about applying for both long-term and short-term daycare.
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Health services
If you have a home municipality, you can use general health care services. Satakunta’s social, health, and rescue services are organized by Satakunnan hyvinvointialue. In Finland, you cannot book an appointment directly with a specialist; you need a referral from a general practitioner. All information from doctor visits, diagnoses, lab tests, and prescription management can be accessed in OmaKanta. Omaolo is a finnish online service that provides assessments for social welfare and healthcare needs. In Pori, private healthcare is available from Terveystalo, Lääkärikeskus Karhulinna, Mehiläinen, and Lääkärikeskus Minerva
Health care
In an emergency, please call the emergency number 112.
If you need treatment that cannot wait until the next day, please call the medical helpline. The phone number is 116 117.
If you do not need urgent help, please contact your local health centre. It is open on weekdays approximately between 8:00–15:00.
Dental Care
Local dental clinic in Satakunta is open Monday to Friday. For more information, visit Suun terveydenhuolto.
- Appointment Booking and Customer Service for Pori and Ulvil
- Booking available from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- Phone: 02 621 3625
After 3 o clock you have to call the medical helpline 116 117 if you can not wait until the next day.
Mental Care
Mental health, family and youth chat services are available through the chat window on Satakunnan hyvinvointialue website. The chat services and are also available Monday to Friday from 2 PM to 5 PM and on Thursdays from 2 PM to 10 PM.
MIELI Mental Health Finland offers crisis support to prevent mental health issues and suicides. Different kind of free chat rooms can found from Mieli ry: Chattaa tai kirjoita – MIELI ry and also local service at Valtakatu 9 Mielenterveyden edistäjä Satakunnassa Porin Mielenterveysyhdistys Hyvis ry ( Through the MIELI Crisis Helpline, you can talk confidentially and anonymously with a crisis worker or trained volunteer about various concerns such as trauma, divorce, family issues, or substance abuse
Well-being coaching programs by Omaolo help you make lifestyle changes that support your health. They guide and monitor your progress through various tasks. You can start these programs on your own or based on a professional’s recommendation.
These programs cover important topics such as family well-being, quitting smoking, healthy exercise, nutrition, sleep coaching, and weight management, among others.
- Finnish (09 2525 0111),
- Swedish (09 2525 0112),
- English (09 2525 0116),
- Ukrainian (09 2525 0114),
- Russian (09 2525 0115).
Crisis Center Monika
Crisis Center Monika provides low-threshold crisis assistance, guidance and counselling services for women with an immigrant background, who have experienced violence.
- crisis help
- psychosocial support
- peer support groups
- advice and service guidance
- supportive housing services after a period in a shelter.
Helpline 0800 05058 is open on Monday from 9 am to 7 pm, and from Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. You can call from any place in Finland. Crisis workers of Crisis Center Monika answer the calls.
Hilma Center
Hilma – the Support Centre for Immigrants with Disabilities assists immigrants in Finland who have disabilities or long term illnesses. The aim of Support Centre Hilma is to facilitate their integration into Finnish society and inform them about their rights.
Audio materials for learning Finnish are also available on the Hilma website – Suomea Sisulla
Health services for children
The maternity clinic (äitiysneuvola) helps expecting mothers and families with advice and training. The child health clinic (lastenneuvola) checks a child’s growth and development and discusses any concerns with the family. Both clinics are free and available to all families.
Maternity Services: The delivery room is always open. Phone: 02 627 7542