Early childhood education and school

In Pori, you can find all the information you need for enrolling in schools and vocational programs. This includes details on how to apply for comprehensive and upper secondary schools, as well as vocational education. The section also covers school transportation and daycare options to help you with your educational needs.
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Early childhood education
You should apply for an early childhood education spot on this website 4 months before you need it, or as soon as you apply for a job or training. If you need care because of work or school and didn t know in advance, you must apply right away, but at least 2 weeks before you need the care. For urgent needs, email varhaiskasvatus@pori.fi or call 02 623 4350 (weekdays from 9 am to 11 am).

Alternative activities for children
Church early childhood education emphasizes the uniqueness of each child and childhood, rooted in Christian values. Activities like day clubs support the holistic growth and spiritual development of children aged 2-5, while family clubs offer moments of togetherness for parents, grandparents, and caregivers. For more details, visit the Lapsille ja lapsiperheille Kirkko Porissa page.
In the schools of the city of Pori, there are many multilingual students who speak a language other than Finnish as their mother tongue. Pori schools have several different language groups. If needed, students are provided with preparatory education for basic education, Finnish as a second language instruction, and teaching in their own mother tongue. When a multilingual student moves to Pori, they are placed in either preparatory education for basic education or directly into basic education, depending on their level of Finnish language proficiency. English language education is also available in Pori.
Johanna Tiirikainen
Coordinator of multilingual basic education
Comprehensive school enrolment
The city of Pori’s website offers several types of applications related to basic school education. Applications for 1st and 7th grade are submitted through WILMA under Ilmoittautuminen 1. luokalle for 1st grade and Siirtyminen 7. luokalle for 7th grade.
You can apply for basic education for your child here Huoltajan hakemus oppilaan koulunkäynnistä toissijaisessa koulussa.
If you previously lived in another municipality in Finland and your child attended school there, submit the application using this form Huoltajan hakemus vieraskuntalaisen oppilaan koulunkäynnistä Porissa.
If needed, you can optionally apply for a deferral of your child’s school start Huoltajan hakemus koulunkäynnin aloituksen lykkäämisestä.

General upper secondary school enrolment
To apply for upper secondary school, students must use the national application system at StudyInfo and fill out lukio’s application. The general requirement is completing basic education. Students are accepted into their firstchoice school if their grades are high enough. If there are more applicants than places, selection is based on the average grades of core subjects.
Here are the available high schools in the city of Pori:

Vocational college enrolment
To apply for vocational education, students must use the national application system at StudyInfo and fill out Vocational education a training’s application.
Here are the available vocational institutions in the Satakunta region:
- WinNova
- Sataedu
- Eurajoen kristillinen opisto
- Sasky Huittisten ja Kokemäen oppilaitos
- Kankaanpään opisto
- Ammattiopisto Luovi
- STEP-ammattiopisto
More information about vocational colleges you can learn from the page Learning opportunities.
School transportation
If the distance from home to school is more than three kilometers for students in grades 1-3, and more than five kilometers for students in grades 4-9, the Department of Education provides free transportation. You can apply through this page Koulukuljetushakemus using your bank ID.