
Discover key information about working and doing business in Finland. Learn about the Finnish tax system and how to get a tax card. Explore the benefits of joining labor unions and unemployment funds, and understand how to apply for unemployment benefits. Find out about the professional certificates to open new horizons of your career and gain insights into the unique Finnish working culture.
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Finland doesn’t have a general minimum wage; minimum wages are set by each field’s collective agreement. Wages can be monthly pay (kuukausipalkka), hourly pay (tuntipalkka), or pay for a specific job (urakkapalkka). Bonuses are paid for evening, weekend, and holiday work, with double pay on Sundays and extra pay for overtime. Salaries are usually paid monthly as stated in the employment contract and it must be paid on time. Taxes, pension contributions, and unemployment insurance are automatically deducted from the salary, and employees receive salary slip showing these deductions. Finland’s tax system is progressive, so higher earnings mean higher tax rates.
Applying for a tax card
To get a tax card or tax number, you will need to have:
- a passport or a valid photo ID
- an employment contract.
You can create a tax card yourself in the OmaVero -website or in a local tax office in Pori – Yrjönkatu 6, Yhteinen palvelupiste.
Professional certificates
Certain jobs require specific proficiency certificates, such as a hygiene passport(hygieniapassi) for those handling unpacked foods, in construction and industries involving work with flames or heat sources, employees must obtain an occupational safety card(työturvallisuuskortti) or a hot work licence (tulityökortti).
Labor unions and unemployment funds
Joining a union is very common for workers in Finland, with about 70% of employees being members. Unions negotiate salaries and working conditions within industries and provide individual guidance, such as advice on employment issues or discrimination. There are around 80 unions, and membership involves paying around 1 2% percentage of your salary, which also contributes to an unemployment fund. This makes you eligible for an earnings related unemployment allowance if you lose your job. Additionally, unions offer member benefits like training, leisure activities, and support during workplace conflicts.
Workers who are not part of unemployment funds and belong to social security system can apply for basic unemployment benefits if they lose their job. For more details, visit the Kela website
Unemployed individuals can receive unemployment benefit, but only while actively seeking employment and being available for work. To receive it, you have to sign up as a job seeker at local employment department office, then apply through an unemployment fund or Kela. Members of an unemployment fund may qualify for earnings related unemployment allowance based on their work history and fund regulations. By joining a fund, you essentially secure financial support in case of job loss, paying a monthly/early fee to maintain membership.